Tawjeeh an-Nadhir Ilaa Usool Ahlil Athar توجيه النظر إلى أصول الأثر written by Ash-Shaykh Taahir bin Muhammad bin Saalih bin Ahmad bin Mawhoub As-Sam'unee Al-Jazair'ee Ad-Damishqee Al-Hasanee. The Shaykh was born in Syria and was raised in Syria and died. His family moved from Algeria to Syria after the occupation of the French. As for the Shaykh's ascription "Al-Hassani" then it is said by some of the Historians that his family ascribed themselves to Hasan bin Al-Imam 'Alee bin Abee Taalib.
Tawjeeh an-Nadhir Ilaa Usool Ahlil Athar is one of many writtings from the Shaykh. This book is written on the subject of 'Ilm Al-Haadith. It was printed on yellow paper by Darul Imaam Ahmad in two magnificent volumes.
Tawjeeh an-Nadhir Ilaa Usool Ahlil Athar توجيه النظر إلى أصول الأثر