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Kifaayah al-Mustaqni' li-Adilatil Muqni' written by Yusuf bin Muhammad bin Abdullaah al-Mardaawi al-Maqdisi Jamal ad-Deen Abu al-Muhaasin is one of manغ books written on the science of Ahkaam al-Haadith in the Hanbali Madhhab. The author said he arranged this book according to the Chapters of Fiqh to make its understanding and implementation easier. Printed by Dar al-Kiyan of Riyaad Saudi Arabia.


Kifaayah al-Mustaqni' li-Adilatil Muqni' 1/2 كفاية المستقنع لأدلة المقنع

Productcode: 200511604