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al-Mawsoo'atul Maysarah fee al-Adyaan wal Madhaahib al-Mu'aasirah organized and reviewed by Dr. Maani' bin Hammad Al-Juhanee is an encyclopedia that consists of a lot of the different religions, their Madhaabs, Different Parties and Groups of this era. It starts off with the Christians and explains their religion and moves on to the different Madhaahib in Islaam like the Hanifiyyah and Hanabilah. It also discusses their books and speaks about the misguided Nation of Islam and other groups in the west. A very beneficial book for those interested in Groups or Sects within and outside of Islaam. Printed by Dar An-Nadwah Al-'Alamiyyah in two volumes on white paper. This book is a very beneficial book!

al-Mawsoo'atul Mu'aasirah 1/2 الموسوعة الميسرة في الأديان والمذاهب

  • عنوان الكتاب :الموسوعة الميسرة في الأديان والمذاهب 

    المؤلف : د. مانع بن حماد الجهني

    الطبعة : طبعة الرابعة

    عدد الأجزاء : 2

    الناشر : دار الندوة العالمية للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع

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