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A comprehensive and detailed book about the Hanafi Fiqh. It is widely used as a text book in the Hanafi Islamic Law in the traditional Islamic schools. This is one of the earliest works on Hanafi Fiqh.

The Author Shaykh al-Islam, Muhaddith and Hafiz, Abu al-Hasan Burhan al-Din 'Ali bin Abi Bakr bin 'Abd al Jalal al-Farghani, al-Marghinani, the great Hanafi jurist, was born at Marghian in the vicinity of Farghana in 530/1135 (in Present Day Uzbekistan) He died in 593/1197. He studied with Mufti Najm al Din Abu Hafs 'Umar al-Nasafi, his son Abu'l Layth Ahmad bin 'Umar al Nasafi and other eminent teachers, and excelled in Hadith, Tafsir, Fiqh and other studies. His scholarship was recognised and praised by eminent scholars such as Imam Fakhr al-Din Qadi Khan, Zahir al-Din Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Bukhari (the author of al-Fatawa al-Zahiriyyah) and others.

Printed in Two Volumes Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah Beirut, Lebanon

al-Hidayah Sharh Bidayat al-Mubtadi 1/2 الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي

Productcode: 2745116061