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This is the explanation of 'Asl As-Sunnah wa I'tiqaad ad-Deen by the two Imaams Abu  Haatim Muhammad bin Idrees al-Handhalee ar-Raazee and Abu Zar'ah Ubaydullaah bin Abdul Hakeem bin Zayd bin Farookh ar-Raazee. It is a comprehensive book on The Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah wa al-Jamaa'ah that gives the correct explanation of Imaan, The Qur'an, Qadr, The correct belief in the Sahaabah, the attributes of Allaah, the Siraat and scale, the Hawd, Jannah and an-Naar etc. Printed in Saudi Arabia by Maktabah al-Malik Fahd al-Wataniyyah on 195 pages of yellow paper. 

Sharh Asl as-Sunnah wa I'tiqaad ad-Deen شرح أصل السنة وإعتقاد الدين

Productcode: 9786030178674
  • عنوان الكتاب : أصل السنة واعتقاد الدين 

    شرحه : عبد العزيز بن عبدالله الراجحي 

    الطبعة: الأولى 1436 هج

    عدد الأجزاء : 1

    الناشر : فهرسة مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية

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