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al-Isaabah fi Taymeez as-Sahaabah is the most comprehensive encyclopedia of the Companions of the Prophet (alayhi salat wa Salam). All Entries are in alphabetical order. Written by al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaanee (Rahimahullaah) and The Checking was done by Ad-Doktor Abdullaah Abdul Muhsin At-Turki Printed by Dar 'Aalam al-Kutub in 16 Volumes on Yellow Paper, Now Printed by Dar al-Imaam Muslim (Kuwait)

(Also Contains Some Ahaadith Narrated by Some of The Companions) 

al-Isaabah fi Taymeez as-Sahaabah 1/16 الإصابة في تمييز الصحابة

Productcode: 978890342334567789

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