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Sharhu Mandhoomatil Adaab was written by a Hanbali scholar known as Ibn ‘Abdul Qawi (may Allaah have mercy on him). His full name is Muhammad ibn ’Abdul Qawi ibn al-Badran ibn Sa’ad Allaah al-Maqdisi al-Mardawi as-Saalihi al-Hanbali. His kunya was Abu ‘Abdullaah and his title at that time was Shams ad Deen. He was born in the year 630 H,which is around about year 1232 CE, in a town called Marda, near the city of Nablus in Palestine. He studied hadeeth under the Hanbali khateeb of Marda of that time, Ibn Khaleel (may Allaah have mercy on him). He studied fiqh under Shams ad-Deen al-Maqdisi (may Allaah have mercy on him), the nephew of the great Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (may Allaah have mercy on him) the Author of al-Mughni. He was particularly excellent as an Arabic grammarian and a Mufti. He was a teacher of some of the famous scholars including Imaam adh-Dhahabi (may Allaah have mercy on him)

Ibn ‘Abdul Qawi was also the teacher of Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allaah Have mercy on him). Adh-Dhahabi mentions that he received an Ijazah from Ibn ‘Abdul Qawi.

Imaam Ibn ‘Abdul Qawi died in the year 699 H, which is approximately 1299 CE. He has many works. Being a grammarian and a linguist, one of the things which he produced was this book in poetry on Hanbali Fiqh. The reason why the scholars would codify law in rhyming poetry is that it would make it easier to memorize all the legal issues. If you read a paragraph in a book, it would be very difficult for you to memorize, even if you read it ten times over. But if you listen to a poem, ten times or twenty times,you will memorize the poem because of the way that it is arranged, in a very timely fashion, with the right notes ect. This is the way the human mind works and this is what the early scholars used to do. They would take a science and put it in poetry form to make it easy for the people to memorize and retain. So when the time comes to recall it, they can always refer back to this “organized library” of poems that they have memorized.

Sharhu Mandhoomatil ‘Adab is a collection of issues in Fiqh, but because these are not the main components of Fiqh, they are usually overlooked so Ash-Shaykh Al-Imaam Ibn Abdul Qawi collected and compiled them into poetry.

The Explanation is done by the Hanbali Shaykh Al-Imaam Musa bin Ahmad Al-Hajaawee As-Saahee Al-Hanablee (Rahimahullah ta'alaa) 406 (Yellow) pages Printed by Dar Ibn Al-Jawzee 

Sharhu Mandhoomatil Adaab شرح منظومة الآداب

SKU : 8428146182323

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