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ٍSharhu Ash-Shamaa'il Muhammadiyyah 

(The Appearance of Muhammad) (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa Sallam), often referred to as Shamaa'il at-Tirmidhi or simply Shamaa'il), is a collection of Ahaadith compiled by the 9th-century scholar Al-Imaam Al-Haafidhz Aboo 'Eesa Muhammad Ibn 'Eesa At-Tirmidhi (Rahimahullaah) regarding the intricate details of the Prophet's (Saalallaahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) appearance, belongings, manners and life. Explained by Ash-Shaykh Abdur Razzaq bin Abdil Muhsin Al-Badr (Hafidhullaah) Print by Dar Ibn Jowzi (KSA) 388 pgs for Only $10!

Sharh ash-Shamaa'il Muhammadiyyah شرح السمائل النبي

Productcode: 8428146203800

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