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'Aqeedatul 'Ashaa'irah عقيدة الأشاعرة ودراسة نقدية لمنظومة جوهرة التوحيد

A Great book that explains the Mukhalafaat of the Ashaa'irah in regards to the Names and Attributes of Allaah ta'alaa. It is a critical analysis of the Ashari poem "Jawharatu at-Tawheed" which is a poem that was written by Abul 'Imdaad also known as Abu Ishaaq Burhaan ad-Deen Ibraheim bin Hasan 'Alee bin 'Abdul Qadoos bin Muhammad bin Haroon al-Lalaqaani al-Misri who was from the Maliki Madhhab and was 'Ashari in 'Aqeedah. The origin of this book is a college thesis that was written by Hassan Ibraheim ar-Radi'aan. Printed on 686 pages of yellow paper. 

'Aqeedatul 'Ashaa'irah عقيدة الأشاعرة ودراسة نقدية لمنظومة جوهرة التوحيد

SKU: 9786038029121

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